The IBS Healing Study

Helpful Hints for Placebo Programming™

Use this help page to learn how to navigate the Well Being App. We have organized answers in sections that address the most frequently asked questions.

NOTE: You can write to us by using the Contact Form at the bottom of this page.

Understanding Placebo Programming

Placebo programming does not require any special beliefs about Irritable Bowel Syndrome, placebo treatments, or even healing. The goal of placebo programming is to generate a healing response in your brain that is reinforced over time. Recording symptoms, daily activities, and placebo use can create healthy associations with foods that previously triggered IBS symptoms.

  1. Be consistent. Use the app every day to complete your daily journals

  2. Use a placebo capsule as your placebo.

    1. If you use a small glass of water as your placebo, take a moment to savor the glass as a “healing” behavior before you drink it.

  3. Use the reminders available in the app. Reminders can reinforce your new neural pathways

  4. If you miss a day, don’t worry. New neural pathways take time to create and they take time to fade. Missing a day is okay.

How to edit or delete a journal entry

Swipe to the left with your finger to view the “Edit” and “Delete” button for any journal recording. You can edit or delete any of the current day’s journal recordings.

Use this Contact Form to reach out to us.